Adult B'nei Mitzvah: A Unique & Spiritual Experience
03/03/2021 03:55:05 PM
Did you miss out on celebrating becoming Bar/Bat mitzvah as a child? Perhaps that didn’t happen because you were a girl; perhaps it was because you did not grow up Jewish or because this wasn’t a priority back then. This spring, we can recover together the meaning of that moment, your personal close connection to the Torah, and strengthen your skills and comfort in Jewish rituals and services.
Our Adult B'nei Mitzvah class is ideal for those who have basic Hebrew reading skills, as well as those who have taken or are now taking our Adult Hebrew classes with Rabbi Mike Stevens. We will meet for six sessions, every other Sunday at noon, starting on March 21.
Rabbi Ariel Edery, Rabbi Mike Stevens, and our Education Director Lynn Calnek will teach, and Lynn will also work individually tutoring you to chant Torah. Our experience will conclude in June with a B’nei Mitzvah ceremony, where each of you will read from the Torah, be our Torah teacher, and lead our community in celebrating Shabbat.
Please contact Rabbi Edery directly with any questions about the class and to see if it is good for you.
To register, please contact the office.
Classes will meet on Sundays from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. The dates are as follows: March 21, April 4, April 18, May 2, May 23, and June 6.