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Beth Shalom Legacy Gift Society

"No act of kindness, now matter how small, is ever wasted." ~ Aesop

Beth Shalom has established the Beth Shalom Legacy Gift Society to provide people with the opportunity to invest in and contribute to the future of the Beth Shalom community and to celebrate and thank the individuals who are committed to sustaining our community for generations to come.  Legacy gifts will ensure that Beth Shalom endures and prospers for future generations as a welcoming community that supports, educates, and provides a spiritual home for all who come through our doors.

Should you choose to include Beth Shalom in your will or other estate plans, we would be honored to know of your intentions and have you as a member of our Beth Shalom Legacy Gift Society.

Why Legacy Gifts?

A legacy, planned, or deferred gift is an after-lifetime gift to an existing or future endowment fund of Beth Shalom.  A legacy gift to Beth Shalom can fulfill your desire to make a meaningful gift, offer you significant tax advantages, and help secure a future of sacred engagement for generations to come.

Joining the Beth Shalom Legacy Gift Society

The goal of planned giving is to help you plan your estate and charitable giving in a way that benefits you, your family, and your congregation.  There are many ways you can make these planned gifts and enjoy tax and income benefits:

*Will or bequest of cash, real estate, securities, or other property
*Donor advised fund
*Retirement account
*Life insurance
*Other options not listed

Please consult with a financial or estate planning professional to determine the best option for you.

If you wish to commit to leaving a legacy gift to the Beth Shalom Endowment, please complete the Letter of Intent section of the Letter of Intent/Confirmation of Commitment Form. To help you formalize your legacy gift, you may use the Sample Language for Giving Instrument to ensure that your gift is allocated to the Beth Shalom Endowment Fund.

Once you have formalized your legacy gift, or if you have already formalized a legacy gift to Beth Shalom, please let us know by completing the non-binding Confirmation of Commitment section of the Letter of Intent/Confirmation of Commitment Form.

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785