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Religious School Vaccine Policy

vaccine policy at Beth Shalom

As a Jewish Religious School, we support prevailing medical evidence, North Carolina State law and Jewish philosophy regarding the vaccination of children in our school.

We require the following vaccines prior to a child entering our school in Kindergarten or beyond

DTap (diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis 5 doses*
Polio 4 doses*
Hib (haemophilus influenza type B) 3-4 doses**
Measles 2 doses
Mumps 2 doses
Rubella 1 dose
Hepatitis B 3 doses
Varicella (chickenpox) 2 doses+

*The last dose of DTaP and Polio must be given on/or after age 4.
**Children beyond their 5th birthday are not required to have any Hib vaccine.
+Vaccination is required unless documentation of disease history is provided by a health care provider.
Note: Pneumococcal, Hepatitis A and Flu vaccines are not required but are recommended for this age group by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.

Additional vaccines required for 7th Grade and beyond
One dose of Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis) vaccine and one dose of meningococcal vaccine. Note: HPV, Hepatitis A, Flu and a second dose of Varicella vaccine are not required but are recommended for this age group by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.

For Preschool aged children, the following are required

DTap (diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis 4 doses*
Polio 3 doses*
Hib (haemophilus influenza type B) 3-4 doses**
Measles 1 doses
Mumps 1 doses
Rubella 1 dose
Hepatitis B 3 doses
Varicella (chickenpox) 1 doses+

The only exemption from the above requirements is a Medical Exemption. If a physician licensed to practice medicine in the State of North Carolina certifies that a required immunization is or may be detrimental to a person’s health due to the presence of one of the contraindications adopted by the North Carolina Commission for Public Health, the person is not required to receive the specified immunization as long as the contraindication persists. The student will need to have the Medical Exemption Form completed by a physician licensed to practice medicine in the State of North Carolina before they will be allowed to enter the Religious School.

New families will have 30 calendar days from the date of school registration to provide documentation. At the end of the 30-day period, any child without documentation shall be prohibited from attending school until he or she has obtained the required documentation.

Tue, September 17 2024 14 Elul 5784